You enter a carnival with fire jugglers, sword swallowers and carnival games! Just a silver coin to play!

Ring Toss - A sleazy orc invites you to throw a ring onto a bottle to win a stuffed Gnome plushy.

Test of Strength - A muscular troll goads you into smashing a lever to test your strength. Ring the bell and win an enchanted trophy belt.

Target Practice - A sly drow taunts you - hit the target with an arrow to win a new quiver.

Balloon and Dart - A piggy looking orc is shouting for carnival goers to throw a dart and pop just one balloon to win a poisoner’s kit.

Pick a Cup - A scraggly man with a top hat has three cups - there is a one gold coin hidden. Simply choose the right cup and you win!

Pig Race - A handsome drow warrior invites you to bet on the winning pig and you’ll win some gold!

Dunk Tank - An arrogant Gnoll sits on the platform. Throw a ball at the target to dunk him and win a potion!

Every game at this carnival is rigged! How will you beat the unwinnable carnival games?


You’ll have to cheat to win these carnival games.

Ring Toss - You throw a ring and it bounces off the bottle. The rings are too small!

  • Bend the rings with strength

  • Enlarge the rings or shrink the bottles with magic or heat/cold

  • Roll a 20 and the ring lands on top of a bottle. Win the consolation prize - a stuffed crab plushie.

Hammer of Strength - The lever is too hard to push down (there’s a spring inside) and the hammer is deceptively light!

  • One player throws a rock at the bell so it rings when another player hits the lever

  • Roll perception or investigation to notice the spring and remove it

  • Roll a 20 and get “Tough”. Win the consolation prize - a woven bracelet.

Target Hunter - When you shoot an arrow, the target moves. It’s magnetic!

  • Secure the target using magic, ice or an invisible friend holding it still

  • Notice that metal moves away from the arrow. Swap it for your own arrow.

  • Roll a 20 and the arrow hits the side of the target. Win the consolation prize - a bronze arrow.

Balloon and Dart - where the darts are dull and the balloons are thick.

  • Sharpen the dart

  • Use a spell or alternate weapon to pop the balloons

  • Just intimidate the carnie!

Pick a Cup - Three cups with one gold coin hidden. The carnival worker is a magician who moves the coin.

  • Use a magic ability to sense where the coin is through the cups

  • Use sleight of hand to snag the coin

Pig Race - The pig you bet on is given a weighted collar to slow her down so another can win

  • Get the collar off your pig

  • Distract the other pigs with food or noise


These puzzles can be solved in countless ways, like intimidating the carnival workers or flat out stealing the prizes.

Make funny personalities for the carnies. An old fashioned swindler, a flirty clown and a tough guy who insults you when you fail.

Include a crying kid who really wants that stuffed Gnome plush.

Be sure to include enough games for each of your players to try.

For music, I’d recommend classic carnival music or this spooky carnival album which is somehow less spooky than original carnival songs.


