You find a safe with a 5 letter lock. Investigate the lock and you find you’ll have limited attempts at the code before it locks permanently.
Hidden elsewhere in the house, you find The Necronomicon by Dorfo the Halfling. It includes his failed attempts to resurrect woodland creatures.
The person who owned the book wrote in the margins and underlined the word “died” and “deceased.”
What is the code?
The solution is DEATH.
Attempting to use the code DORFO makes the letter D stick in place. Same for other guesses that have a correct letter.
This puzzle is best when the lock and the book are separated so players must search –
You notice a painting covered in dust except for the corner. Pull the painting to reveal the safe.
The Necronomicon may be found under the owner’s pillow or in a locked desk drawer.
The book may be in a library amongst books on DECOR and proper DRESS. These red herring books don’t appear to be recently opened - opening one will crack the spine.
Optional - In the Necronomicon, players may find this riddle:
Run from me, cheat me,
You will not defeat me.
Take any path,
at the end you will meet me.
Music suggestion: something thoughtful and curious like this classical album by Erik Satie.