GOBLOWEEN! A Halloween Heist

Happy Gobloween! This is a delightful heist game to play around Halloween. Your players must steal five artifacts from the Goblin Castle - along the way they’ll meet all kinds of troublesome goblins. Make sure to bring a variety of odd candy and drinks to the table!

Throughout the night the festival will get wild and violent with great chances to fight, steal, drink and get into weird roleplay situations.

For music I made this Gobloween playlist with spooky Tom Waits songs, here is a more traditional Goblin Castle playlist.

Without further ado, let’s begin!

Halloween D&D Game at the Goblin Tower

Step 1. Sneak into The Goblin Castle!

As you approach the Goblin Castle, a bolt of lightning illuminates the darkened sky, unveiling its otherworldly silhouette. Through the rolling thunder you hear eerie howls and spine-chilling screams of goblins from within.

Tonight you will be stealing an artifact from each of the five goblin houses.

Approaching the gate, you are surprised to see no guards at their posts. You hear music and yelling and spy the strangest sight. Goblins and Hobgoblins are partying within the castle, feasting and fighting. They are wearing weird costumes of monsters, local gods and royals.

The five Goblin Houses are within these castle walls but there is no way to enter unseen.

How will you sneak through this fearful festival to steal the items you need?

Gobloween encounter and puzzle for your Dungeons and Dragons adventure!


Create a costume!

Players must use their inventory and nearby trash to make costumes. Players may notice Goblins use bones, paint, weapons and more to make crude and terrifying costumes.

Once your players are in costume they can walk right into the Goblin Castle.

Alternate Solutions:

  1. Wait til’ it gets late. Most Goblins will get belligerently drunk and eventually pass out. Unfortunately, some of the nastier Goblins will still be awake.

  2. Try to sneak verrry carefully through the festival without a costume. Perhaps entering through the sewers or climbing on rooftops.

Step 2. Steal from The Goblin Houses

There are five families running the Goblin Keep, each with a themed clubhouse. Inside each clubhouse is an important artifact. Combined, these artifacts will do something important like open a portal, stop an evil monster or maybe just be super valuable.

Players will have to sneak through the town and steal an artifact from each of the gang houses. If they stir up too much trouble, they may be noticed and face increased security.

1. Bone Goblins

This first house has bones all over their shack. The goblins inside are way too drunk and are fighting each other with bones. Within the building you’ll find many strong goblins and strong drinks.

Snack: Lady finger cookies, white chocolate covered pretzels or even cookies that you make yourself!

Artifact: Skeleton Key

2. Blood Goblins

Welcome to the weirdest house of all! In the basement of their house the Blood Goblins are running a Wonka factory that produces popular blood drinks for the rest of town. Your players must get through the factory floor and up to the boss room. I recommend using my water puzzles but swapping in blood for water in the fountain.

Snack: Buy some V8 that players must drink to get through the factory.

Artifact: Sacred Vial of Vampire’s Blood

3. Eyeball Goblins

This goblin house has eyes that follow your every movement. They’re super creepy and you must solve eyeball color puzzles to get to the artifact.

Snack: Buy some candy eyeballs and fruit gushers.

Artifact: Spectacles

Creepy skin themed D&D Halloween Dungeon

4. Skin Goblins

Skin Goblins make leather for the town. Their extremely creepy house seems empty but there is a psycho goblin hiding inside. He’ll try to trap you so be cautious.

Snack: Buy some fruit leather or fruit roll ups to be like skin!

Artifact: Scalpel or Leathery Book

5. Tooth and Claw Goblins

The Tooth and Claw House is a very high end club where the fanciest goblins celebrate Gobloween. To get the artifact, players will have to distract the audience and bouncers. This is a great place for performance and sleight of hand checks!

In the basement of this House is a high end monster fighting ring where the wealthy gamble on fights.

Snack: Buy some candy vampire fangs and candy corn. Champagne or bubbly water are great for the ritzy celebration.

Artifact: Necklace of Fangs or a Horn made from a giant tooth


Drawing a map and writing down character names will help you run this dungeon. This one relies on some improvisation and voicework so be flexible.

Make a final setting where all of the artifacts must be combined to save the day.

If you’re playing this game in one sitting you may want to remove a couple of the Goblin Houses. Players usually take a long time moving around a map.

Enjoy! DMing is hard work and you’re doing something awesome for your friends. Never be afraid to get weird with it!


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